A More Inviting Downtown with A/V
January 10, 2019We’re in the darkest coldest months right now. I’ve often found myself on the cold dark streets cursing the winter. Is there any relief? Well there is downtown on the recently renovated Nicollet.
Electronic Design Company just completed a project that allows the Nicollet Armature between 6th and 9th street to have synchronized lighting with a music experience.
This project was the first installation of sound distribution for the Downtown Improvement District (DID). It includes 12 light poles which are fitted with professional loudspeakers.
This makes the renovated Nicollet area much more vibrant and welcoming for downtown shoppers. It gives a warm wintery feeling to this high traffic area for all who work around or frequent this area. It provides an escape that might even make you forget about the cutting wind and early sunsets for a minute.
We are proud to help give downtown ambiance and provide an uplifting experience for shoppers and visitors even in the middle of winter!