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Pagers and Beepers

A Brief History of Hospital Paging Technology

Effective communication is one of the most critical elements in healthcare settings. In hospitals, the ability to quickly and accurately communicate...

Manufacturing warehouse

The Future of Safety in Manufacturing

As technology in the manufacturing sector continues to evolve, the future of safety in this industry is becoming increasingly sophisticated. With...

Municiple building

Does Your Municipality Need an AV Upgrade?

AV systems help keep your municipality running smoothly. Council chambers, community centers and government buildings all rely on AV for facilitating...

AV board

The Art and Science of AV Venue Design

Setting up your venue’s AV is both an art and a science. With the right balance of tech and artistry, you can give audiences an immersive experience...

Strategic Safety Investments for Manufacturing Plants

Plant safety is the top priority of manufacturing plants across the country. Ensuring that equipment functions...

Boy doing online learning

Interactive Learning Solutions for Modern Schools

In today’s rapidly evolving educational landscape, schools are increasingly turning to interactive learning solutions to enhance student engagement...

Computer screens at healthcare facility

Transforming Healthcare Facilities Into Smart Environments

In healthcare facilities, it is critical to have reliable, up-to-date communication systems. These systems boost productivity, help with data-driven...

emergency intercom system

How Emergency Tech Saves Lives in Warehouses & Distribution Centers

Warehouses and distribution centers are noisy, busy places, which can make it difficult to communicate in the event of an emergency. These spaces have plenty of safety measures in...

Manufacturing Facility

The Role of Emergency Response Technology in Maximizing Manufacturing Safety

Ensuring the safety of workers is paramount in any manufacturing environment. Advanced emergency response technology, integrated within critical communication systems, serves as...

man working in an industrial facility

A Manager’s Guide to Upholding Manufacturing Safety Standards

As a manager, you take your responsibility of ensuring your team’s safety seriously. It is up to you to implement the emergency response systems, evacuation plans and emergency...

Emergency notification system

What an Emergency Alert System Can Do For Your Building

From security threats to dangerous weather conditions, emergencies happen and protecting building occupants is a non-negotiable priority. Emergency notification systems...

man speaking at a podium at a church

5 Ways to Improve Your House of Worship AV

A well-designed AV setup can greatly enhance the worship experience for congregants. The sermons, music and other elements of the church service feel...