5 Ways Digital Signage Can Support Your Business Goals

5 Ways Digital Signage Can Support Your Business Goals

June 10, 2020

Technology makes hardware more and more affordable, and choosing the right partner makes its implementation simple and sustainable. No matter what industry you’re in, digital displays can help give your brand a broader voice. Here are five reasons why digital signage will help your business and grow your vision.


1. Powerful Videos

Video amplifies your message in a way that any other type of advertising can’t. Video allows you to get more messages to your audience in less time. And today, consumers love video. So, why aren’t you using digital signage as part of your marketing strategy?

2. Easy Updates

We live in a world that’s always evolving; things change in a matter of hours, if not faster. So, how do you keep your marketing up-to-date? Think about your specific industry, and how quickly it evolves. Whatever that need, digital signage helps you keep up.

Digital signage content is easily updated, changed, or enhanced. This flexibility allows for better pivots in marketing messaging during a campaign instead of requiring a rewrite or re-launch of an entire campaign.

3. More Messages

If you’re a business owner, trying to get the message out about your company is important, and you have plenty to say. While an in-store sign or poster limits your message due to space, digital signage transforms your space into a multi-media and multi-message display. Instead of a single ad, you can share anything  – from product information to volunteer efforts in an exciting and eye-catching way without being limited.

4. Stay Connected

Everything is connected to the internet these days, and your in-store advertising shouldn’t be the exception.

Digital signage can take your pricing or product displays to the next level and integrate weather updates, live news, and sports scores. You can also build brand awareness by connecting your social media accounts.

5. Get Noticed

Unlike Facebook ads, commercials, or any other types of marketing materials that consumers often tune out due to over-saturation, digital signage is eye-catching and different. In fact, 63% of people say that digital signage catches their attention.

If your business has an important message, make sure your message gets noticed, and say it through digital signage.

Virtual Partners

At EDC, we want to be here for you. We can be your virtual partner, initiating virtual marketing through digital signage. We are always committed to our clients, and helping you adapt to change. Call 612-355-2300, visit our website or contact us at sales@edcsolutions.com to make a connection today.

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